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The purpose of EDUCATION is to replace an EMPTY MIND with an OPEN ONE.

What is Pause & Ponder?


Pause & Ponder is an interactive activity intended to help children understand and explore a deeper understanding of what a story means to them. Pause & Ponder activities for each of our featured Read Along with Creative Edge titles can be found on the following pages.



The first read of a book should be a gift to the children. As children view a Creative Edge title for the first time, play it through; let them enjoy the pacing, and expression of the story. After children view the story for the first time, view the story again using the Pause & Ponder and pause. Next, discuss the questions with the children.



Design questions to help children make inferences about and explain several story events. The “after viewing” of Pause & Ponder questions are the ones that build children’s ability to answer broader explanation questions.


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Y, France

Y, France 1.jpg

This small commune with an even smaller name appears to have an unlikely amount of dead ancestors.

Y bears the shortest place name in France, and one of the shortest in the world. The inhabitants call themselves Ypsilonien(ne)s, from the Greek letter Upsilon (Υ), which looks like the letter Y.

Y is situated 50 kilometres (30 miles) east of Amiens, at the junction of the D15 and D615 roads, in the far eastern side of the department.

The district belonged to the Y family from Vermandois.

The village was caught up in the First World War. It was decorated by Croix de guerre 1914-1918 on 15 December 1920. The Church of Saint-Médard, was rebuilt in 1921, after the destruction caused by the First World War.

Since 2002, the commune has been part of the community of communes of the Pays Hamois, which succeeded the district of Ham, created in 1960. Then on 1 Jan 2017, Pays Hamois and that of the Pays Neslois, merged.


The commune is located in the Arrondissement of Péronne in the Somme department of northern France. Since 1958, the commune has elected deputies from Somme's 5th constituency.


Since 1801, the commune has been a part of the Canton of Ham. During the 2014 cantonal redistribution in France, the boundaries of the canton were expanded from 19 to 67 communes.

Y, France 2.jpg

A SIMPLE AND OBSCURE COMMUNE in the northern part of France, Y is a teeny, tiny place, with a teeny, tiny name.

Its short name is derived from the main street layout, which is basically three roads that are shaped like the letter “Y”. With a population peak in 1866 at a whopping 226 citizens, the town is currently occupied by less than 90 people. The residents of Y call themselves “Upsiloniennes” slightly more complicated verbiage that comes from the Greek letter Upsilon—which (you guessed it) looks like the letter Y.

Normally a small, weird village like this would go mostly unnoticed, but due to a technical error, Y ended up on the radar of several genealogist enthusiasts in the late 2000s. When tracing their ancient ancestors back to their death sites on a popular ancestry website, all roads seemed to lead to Y—or at least an unusually large amount of them. It appeared that the number of people who allegedly died there was gargantuan compared to the number of people who had ever actually lived there. Ancestry message boards lit up as users questioned how so many ancient relatives from all over the world ended up meeting their makers in the tiny french commune with a letter for a name. It remained a mystery until a clever user noticed that in the drop-down menu used to add new ancestors, all of the fields had to be filled in to complete the entry. They deduced that at some point, a less-than-thorough genealogist may not have known the “Place of Death”, but under the duress of having to put something in the field, just added a “Y”.

The user noted that this changed the actual place of death in the listing (and all of the subsequent listings) into “Y, Somme, Picardie, France”. If that went unnoticed before hitting save, tens of thousands of listings could easily be incorrectly altered to list Y as the place of death for all sorts of people who had never stepped foot in France, much less the teeny village.

With “The Secret of Y” answered, users cleaned up their extensive databases, and the tiny town of Y was relieved of its morbid online moniker, “The Place of Death”. 

The Golden Rule

Buddhism: Hurt not others with that which pains yourself.

Christianity: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Hinduism: Treat others as you would yourself be treated.

Islam: Do unto all men as you would wish to have done unto you.

Judaism: What you yourself hate, do to no man.

Native American: Live in harmony, for we are all related.

Sacred Earth: Do as you will, as long as you harm no one.

Some Social Rules that may help you

  1. Don't call someone more than twice continuously. If they don’t pick up your call, presume they have something important to attend to.

  2. Return money that you have borrowed even before the person that borrowed you remember or ask for it. It shows your integrity and character. The same goes with umbrellas, pens and lunch boxes.

  3. Never order the expensive dish on the menu when someone is giving you a lunch/dinner.

  4. Don’t ask awkward questions like ‘Oh so you aren’t married yet?’ OR ‘Don’t you have kids’ OR ‘Why didn’t you buy a house?’ OR ‘Why don’t you buy a car?’ For God’s sake, it isn’t your problem.

  5. Always open the door for the person coming behind you. It doesn’t matter if it is a guy or a girl, senior or junior. You don’t grow small by treating someone in public.

  6.  If you take a taxi with a friend and he/she pays now, try paying next time.

  7. Respect different shades of opinions. Remember what’s 6 to you will appear 9 to someone facing you. Besides, a second opinion is good for an alternative.

  8. Never interrupt people talking. Allow them to pour it out. As they say, hear them all and filter them all.

  9. If you tease someone, and they don’t seem to enjoy it. Stop it and never do it again. It encourages one to do more and it shows how appreciative you’re.

  10. Say ‘Thank you when someone is helping you.

  11. Praise publicly. Criticize privately.

  12. There’s almost never a reason to comment on someone’s weight. Just say, “You look fantastic”. If they want to talk about losing weight, they will.

  13. When someone shows you a photo on their phone. Don’t swipe left or right. You never know what’s next.

  14. If a colleague tells you they have a doctors’ appointment, don’t ask what it’s for, just say “I hope you’re okay”. Don’t put them in the uncomfortable position of having to tell you their personal illness. If they want you to know they’ll do so without your inquisitiveness.

  15. Treat the cleaner with the same request as the CEO. Nobody is impressed at how rude you can treat someone below you but people will notice if you treat them with respect.

  16. If a person is speaking directly to you, staring at your phone is rude.

  17. Never give advice until you’re asked.

  18. When meeting someone after a long time, unless they want to talk about it, don’t ask them their age and salary.

  19. Mind your business unless anything involves you directly – just stay out of it.

  20. Remove your sunglasses if you are talking to anyone in the street. It is a sign of respect. Moreso, eye contact is as important as your speech.

  21. Never talk about your riches in the midst of the poor. Similarly don’t talk about your children in the midst of the barren.

  22. After reading a good message try to say “Thanks for the message”.

  23. APPRECIATION remains the easiest way of getting what you don’t have.

10 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently.

  1. They have a mind that never slows down.

  2. They challenge the status quo.

  3. They embrace their genius even if others don’t.

  4. They have difficulty staying on a task.

  5. They create in cycles.

  6. They need time to feed their sould.

  7. They need space to create.

  8. They focus intensely.

  9. They feel deeply.

 10. They live on the edge of joy and depression.


Halley's Comet crosses the orbit of the earth once every 76-77 years. It was close to us in 1986.

Marie Curie was awarded the Noble Prize for Physic in 1903. She was also awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1911.

Without the lift (elevator) the modern skyscraper would never have been built. The world Trade Centre in New

York needs 244 lifts. Each of these can travel at up to 485 m per minute.

Salt water freezes at a lower temperature than fresh water.

If you cut magnet in half, each half becomes a new magnet with its own north and south poles.

The first mirrors were made of highly polished metal, such as bronze.

The water balance in the body is controlled by the kidneys.

The tongue is the only muscle in the body which is attached at one end only.

The human mouth produces about 1.5 litters of saliva in one day.

A new born has 330 bones. As the child grows some of the bones join together.

Diamond is a form of carbon. it is the lightest gas and was used in early balloons and ariships.

The first person to study the body in detail by cutting up dead bodies was Belgian doctor Vesalius (1514-1564)

The first doctor known by name was Imhotep, an ancient Egyptian, who lived about 2650 BC. After his death the Egyptians worshipped him as a god for his healing power.

Most people have about 1,00,000 hair on their head alone.

The brain probably contains 10 billion nerve cells.

The human eye can detect 10 million different colour shades.

A human brain weighs on average 1.4 Kg; that's about 2.5% of body weight.

A huge machine called ENIAC computer in 1946 in the USA was the world's first electronic computer that could do many mathematical task. The name ENIAC is short for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator.

A baby has less than 1 litre of blood, not enough to fill a milk cartoon, when you grow up, you will have enough blood to half fill a bucket - about 5 litres.

The left side of the heart is bigger than the right.

It takes about a minute for a drop of blood to travel from the heart to your toes and back again.

When you are resting, about a quarter of your body is your liver.

Your kidneys filter all the blood in your body about 300 times each day.

Brains are getting heavier. In 1860 the average man's brain weighed 1,370 grams and today it weighs 1,420 grams.

Two thousands of a second after light hits the retina your brain has formed an image.

You have about 10,000 taste buds on your tongue.

On an average most people sleep about 8 hours a day. So in your lifetime, you will probably spend about 20 years sleeping.

You use about 200 different muscles when you work.

The Arabic numerals we use today were first used in India and reached Europe about the year AD 1000.

a prime number is one that can be divided only by itself and 1, for example 8 is not a Prime number because it can be divided by 1, 2 and 4, on the other hand 5 is because it can be divided only by 5 and 1.

William Herschel (1738-1822) discovered the planet Uranus through a homemade telescope.

Galileo (1564-1642) was one of the greatest scientist of his days. he built his own telescopes to study the night sky.

Astronauts using the toilet in space wear seatbelt. Space toilet don't flush. Everything is sucked away.

Mercury holds two records. It is the planet with the longest day and the shortest year.

Mars has two small moons. Deimos and Phosbos.

Olympus Mars on Mars is the highest mountain in the Solar System. It rises 23 Km about the surface.

The people of Ancient China believed that the earth was balanced on the shoulders of a giant ox. Earthquakes happened when the ox shifted the earth from one shoulder to the other.

Sweden set up Europe's first true parks in 1909.

When you sneeze, air rushes out at about 160 Km an hour.

In the middle ages, football was rough game with few rules. in 1314 the English King banned football because it was so rough.

People  have raced all sorts and sizes of animals. there have been even Ostrich races and Snail races.

The Great athletes who took part in the ancient Olympic games wore no clothes.

Uruguay were the first soccer world cup champions beating Argentina 4-2 in 1930's.

Sumo Wrestlers are mostly very fat men. This form of wrestling dates from 1624 and is still very popular in Japan.

The only player who has scored three centuries in consecutive matches is Md. Azharuddin of India.

W.A.Mozart, one of the greatest musical genius died so poor and alone that only the grave digger attended his funeral. Mozart wrote great operas including The Marriage of Figaro, The Magic Flute and Don Giovanni.

Ludwig Van Beethoven (1770-1827) was one of the greatest composers of music but he could not hear his own music because he became deaf at the age of 32.

India's first National Park was the Corbett National Park, where tigers are protected.

A person who looks directly at the sun through binoculars or a telescope can be blinded for life.

The moon is pretty small. it is only 3476 Km across, less than the width of the USA.

The surface temperature of the Sun is about 6000oC, that is 60 times the temperature of boiling water.

The moon's gravity is not as strong as earth. You would be about six times lighter on the moon. So you could jump six times higher on the moon.

Because the moon has no wind or water, footprints left by astronauts will remain there undisturbed forever.

The moon, though a satellite, is bigger than planet Pluto.

Global Warming

  •  Arctic ice is rapidly disappearing and the region might have its first completely ice-free summer by 2040.

  • Water vapour is one of the main greenhouse gases and it is produced naturally, as part of the world"s water cycle.

  • On average, 16% of the money you spend on a product pays for the packaging, which ultimately ends up as rubbish.


Bugs, glorious bugs!

  • Grasshoppers require a minimum temperature to be able to hop! It's 62 degrees Fahrenheit!

  • Do you know what the favourite food of the Giant cricket of Africa is? Human hair.

  • Some species of worms can have up to ten hearts.

  • The queen in an ant or termite hill can live for almost 30 years. Is it the pampering?

Did you know?

Hugging for 20 seconds releases Oxytocin, which can cause you to trust someone more.


When awake, the human brain produces enough electricity to power a small light bulb.

Diet foods, including frozen foods, or prepackaged foods labelled as “diet” or “low fat”, including diet sodas, generally contain aspartame, which is a chemical, artificial sweetener. There are numerous studies showing that aspartame causes many diseases and sicknesses such as cancers, birth defects, and heart problems.

Conventional microwave popcorn bags are lined with a chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). This is a toxin you can find in Teflon also. According to a study at the University of California, PFOA is linked to infertility in women.


Potato chips are high in both fat and calories, which are sure to bring on weight gain. A study done in the New England Journal of Medicine found that eating just 1 ounce of potato chips per day causes an average 2-pound weight gain in one year. Besides being full of trans-fats which can cause high cholesterol in most people, they have excessive sodium levels which, for many people, cause high blood pressure.

FUCK – Verb

Fuck can be used in many ways and is probably the only fucking word that can be put every fucking where and still makes fucking sense. Fuckers


I am not perfect. I say stupid things sometimes. I laugh when I’m not supposed to. I have scars left by people who did me wrong. I’m a little crazy and probably won’t change. Love me or not. But I make one promise that if I love you, I do it with a full heart.


I hate waiting, but if waiting means being able to be with you, I’ll wait for as long as forever to be with you.


“Love is not always about being with each other. Sometimes it's about being there for each other.”

I’d trade all my tomorrows for one single yesterday.


“If you loved me, you would have touched my soul and not my body.”


“True love does not hurt, attachments do.”


“A day without is like a year without anything sweet.”


“Only the winds know where they carry the dandelion souls.”


“The rain falls because the sky can no longer handle its heaviness, just like that the tears fall because the heart can no longer handle its pain.”


“She walked with God, that was her game-changing strategy.”


A Teacher's Tools.


Wonderful Thoughts. 














Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. - Mark Twain


Through the years, I have combined meditation, action, and the Iron into a single strength. I believe that when the body is strong, the mind thinks strong thoughts. Time spent away from the Iron makes my mind degenerate. I wallow in a thick depression. My body shuts down my mind. The Iron is the best antidepressant I have ever found. There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength. Once the mind and body have been awakened to their true potential, it's impossible to turn back. The Iron never lies to you. You can walk outside and listen to all kinds of talk, get told that you're a god or a total bastard. The Iron will always kick you the real deal. The Iron is the great reference point, the all-knowing perspective giver. Always there like a beacon in the pitch black. I have found the Iron to be my greatest friend. It never freaks out on me, never runs. Friends may come and go. But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds. - Bill Moore


Go with your heart. Our brains only screw things up. - Chris Fedak


Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you - Frank Tyger


Be nice to those whom you meet on the way up. They're the same folks you'll meet on the way down. - Walter Winchell


Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. - Albert E


The Secret to Smarter Kids














As parents we want happy and healthy children, many would like them to also be smart. For today’s parents this desire is often made easier with the help of educational toys, technology, and a better understanding of brain processes through science.

Despite the publicity over mass media, there is no convincing scientific evidence that sophisticated toys are useful for more advanced development of children’s intelligence, compared to simple or similar toys.

So what is the secret to a smart child?

Above all it’s about true love and affection. It’s understanding that a child’s brain is something under construction, a sponge ready to absorb all the knowledge one can handle.

This article will discuss behaviors related to increased IQ score in children:

1. Music Lessons– Taking music lessons, or learning to play a musical instrument is crucial for improved brain function, not only in children but also in adults. IQ scores increased to a small but consistent degree. Music stimulates all brain regions, affecting creation of synapses, thus the learning process. It is likely that singing and dancing are beneficial as well, since they require complex cognitive abilities like coordination, memory, motor skills, and emotional processes.

2. Exercise– This is beneficial in every possible way. Increased blood flow, improved cognitive ability, and a healthy cardiovascular system are the primary benefits of exercise. For kids exercise is as easy as letting them play. Don’t let them spend all day watching TV or playing video games.

3. Napping and appropriate sleep– Napping helps reorganize the learning process and memories, children that take regular naps are able to remember more words accurately than those who didn’t in verbal skills tests.

4. Willpower– It’s one key to individual success. Willpower comes from self-discipline, and discipline comes from habits, consciousness, and curiosity. Self-discipline is a good predictor of intelligence and satisfactory outcomes, even more than IQ. Consciousness plays a large role in self-discipline, always try to be a mirror, a source of consciousness for your child.

5. Learn by doing not watching– Babies are not smarter from watching videos. The same logic applies to adults, most of the time a video will not make us smarter. Any active learning is ideal, while passive learning derived from videos and television may be harmful.

6. Diet– A diet high in fiber, protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats containing low sugar is ideal for better brain performance at any age. Caffeine and sugar can be brain boosters, but sugar since in large doses can be toxic to brain cells, and caffeine can adversely affect bone development in children.

7. Happiness– Happy kids are the most important facet of good parenting. Physical and emotional development, performance, satisfaction and stability are only a few scores improved by happiness. Careful and loving affection and attention are some of the most tangible ways to make a child happy. Making a child happy can be the easiest thing in the world, children are magical in their simplicity.

8. Peer group– Pay attention to your child’s peer group, with whom they hang out, and what they like. Your neighborhood, home life, social life, and religious activity, extended family, and chosen school will all have a significant effect on your child and how they see the world.

















How many times do we encounter challenging situations in our work or personal life and complain our way through them, because we perceive them as hard, painful or difficult? Pretty often, right? All you have to do is overhear a few conversations in a coffee shop, or scroll down your social media feed, to see how readily we complain about our latest troubles.

Sometimes, chance and randomness do come to bear on our lives in a way that is truly negative and harmful. But more often than not, “bad” things actually provide good opportunities to learn something about ourselves, improve or expand our skillset, or become more versatile and resilient.


When plants wither it’s all too easy to look at them and think that they look ugly, dried out and dead. But if they’re a perennial, sure enough, next spring they’re going to be beautiful, full of color and covered in flowers again. So many times we look at something in our life from a similarly short-sighted viewpoint.

In our impatience, we don’t recognize that, yes, something has happened in our life that has caused a certain plant to wither. But once the seasons change, it’s going to flourish once more. Or perhaps new seeds will have been sown without us knowing it, and a new and beautiful shrub will bloom in another part of the garden.

I’ve seen such things happen in the life of my oldest daughter recently. She loved her job as a county attorney, but didn’t get reelected. This surprising event knocked her down for a while, because she had so much invested in what she was doing.

At first she told me that, in this time of bitter disappointment, she felt like a failure as she moved back home. I told her that we only fail if we don’t try our best. She had given it everything, so it wasn’t failure at all.

Now she has turned her talents in another direction, steadied herself, and used the tenacity she developed as a county attorney to start her own legal practice. This would never have happened if she hadn’t been forced out of her comfort zone, or had allowed a setback to crush her spirit.

Miracles often only happen in hindsight. Sometime this week I encourage you to spend a few minutes thinking back over what’s happened in your career and life over the past five or 10 years. Yes, there will be some painful things and maybe some unpleasant memories. But if you look for patterns and connections between events I bet you’re also going to see how circumstances came together to help you grow, learn a valuable lesson, or improve a skill.

Be thankful for this and for the challenges that led to these developments. And when the next situation that you immediately perceive as a problem comes along— and it will— try to reframe it as an opportunity, recognizing that it’s too early to see the opportunity that it likely presents. This will allow you to be more positive in the now, more hopeful for the future, and more open to the “teaching moments” that life gives us, if only we’re willing to learn from them.

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Proud to be Indian

Be proud of your Country.


August 15, 1947 will always be remembered as a momentous day in the history of India. On this day, India gained independence from the British after being ruled by them for nearly 200 years. August 15 has been celebrated as Independence Day in the country since then. On this day, the Prime Minister hoists the Indian flag on the Red Fort in Delhi. Twenty-one gunshots are fired in honour of the solemn occasion. The President of India delivers the "Address to the Nation". In addition, several events are held where kids and their parents dress up as freedom fighters and deliver speeches. If you or your kid is planning to do so, here are a few interesting tips.

1. Do know the history
Though many of us might find it boring, it is important to know the history of our country's independence. It is not something that just 'happened' in seconds. Many people sacrificed their lives on the road to independence. Before you or your child give an Independence Day speech, you must be aware of the challenges, sacrifices, struggles, that our freedom fighters endured.

2. Facts always help
A sign of a good speaker is that they amuse and engage the audience while also informing them. This can be made possible by giving out interesting facts. Be well versed about fundamental concepts of our national anthem, what the colours of the flag signify, and also be aware of our freedom fighters.

3. Simplicity is the key
Your speech must not be jargon at all. It must be simple and precise to reach out to maximum people. Complicated knowledge and information make the speech uninteresting to listeners. Thus, make sure it is not overly long or repeated.

4. Design a framework
Your speech must have structure, else it will be incomplete. It must have an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction must be short, followed by greeting the guests and spectators. After that comes the major part of the speech that should focus on the freedom struggle, the significance of Independence Day, and our country's progress post-independence. The speech should end on a positive note and slogans like "Jai Hind".

5. Use famous sayings and quotes
You can use famous sayings and quotes to begin and conclude the speech. Many freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhi, Chandrashekhar Azad, Subhash Chandra Bose, Jawaharlal Nehru, etc. have penned down several writings that can prove helpful to you. Always make sure that the quotes are apt to the context of the speech.

Rain is not only drops of water, Its the love of the sky for the earth. they never meet each other but sends love this way.

As flowers open with fresh scents in the mornings, so does the hands of God with new blessings.

Never be too PROUDY, never be too BOSSY, always remember you live in a planet that has GRAVITY. What goes up will definitely come down.

Dont make friends who are comfortable to be with. Make friends who will force you to level yourself up.

The value of surrounding yourself with positive people is not what you get from them, but how good a person you have become because of them.

We were all humans until:

Race diconnnected us, Religion separated us, Politics divided us, and Wealth classified us.

Amid the busy schedules, deadlines, emergencies and worries, our minds and bodies are trying to tell us something. Let’s pay attention to our mental and physical health. This Yoga Day let’s turn towards a life that is healthier, happier, fulfilling and more productive!

The life that you are living now, is also a dream of millions. So always be satisfied with your file. Be happy in every moment of life.

The first ever cordless phone was created by God. He named it "Prayer". It never looses its signal and you never have to recharge it. Use it everywhere.

Smile adds value to our face. Love adds value to our heart. Respect adds value to our behaviour and Friends and Family adds value to our life.

As the day ends put your worries to rest. Tomorrow is another day, filled with hope, potential and promise.

Life cannot be changed in a minute but decision taken in a minute changes everything in life. Always stay calm before you decide.

Do everything with a good heart and expect nothing in return and you will never be disappointed.

God is like Oxygen, you vant see him but you cant live without him.

The affection you get from others is a gift of your own Character.

Accept your Past without Regret. Handle your present with confidence and Face your Future without fear.

Immature people always want to win an argument even at the cost of a relationship. Mature people understand that it is always better to lose an argument and win a relationship.

Use your smile to change the world, don't let the world change your smile.

It is not important in life who is AHEAD of us Or who is BEHIND 
What truly matters in life is who is WITH US

Humble people are always learning because they are open to correction.

You are strong when. You know your weaknesses. You are beautiful when you appreciate your flaws. You are wise when. You learn from your mistakes.

Time decides whom you meet in life, your heart decides whom you want in your life and Your behaviour decides who stays in your life.












Group One

          1. Punctual       -  Teachers should be punctual first. Be timely in every activity. Assembly / Function — be ready.

          2. Obedience  -  Teachers obeying the Principal, sharing the duties in class given by the teachers. Stories / Clipping /

                                       Moral stories (Positive or negative)

Group Two

          1. Attentive     -   By telling them interesting stories related to topics.

                                       To ask questions related to the topics explained.

                                       To explain the important terms or characters related to the topics.

                                       To inculcate listening rather than talking.

          2. Honesty       -   We should always praise a child when he is honest.

                                       We should not threaten a child if he is wrong but he is honest.

Group Three

          1. Interest        -   Enliven your subject and if one can inform the students how the matter being taught influences

                                       them in a manner direct or indirect will generate interest. ( This is one way and there are numerous

                                       others. Join the dots for the students. )

          2. Discipline    -   before the class commence the students need to ensure that the class is presentable and teacher

                                       friendly. Eg. The teacher's table needs to be clean with the chalk and duster in place. The teacher

                                       needn’t nit-pick and optimize the time he has at his disposal.

Group Four

          1. Confidence -   Encouraging the students to express themselves. Telling the students to participate in different

                                       activates and not to be criticized for their failure.

          2. Studious      -   Detect the child’s interest and give him a task on the particular subject and also help him out to

                                       complete it. Eg. A child may like drawing, so he should be encouraged in that field.



Relation and medicine plays
The same role in our life
Both care for us in pain
Medicines have expiry date
Relationship never expires


Empathy  is  the  ability  to  understand  the  feelings  of  another  person  from  their  perspective.  It  is  like  putting  yourself  in  the  other  person’s  shoes.  A  student’s  frustrations,  anger,  helplessness,  indifference,  fear  and  all  other such emotions will become more apparent when you empathise with them. It  is  this  skill,  which  makes  students  feel  that  you  are  able  to  identify  with  their problems without feeling sorry for them.


The skills associated with empathy are:

Verbal and Non-verbal Communication of Attentiveness

Communication of empathy would begin with being with the person totally, both physically and mentally. Attentiveness needs to be communicated both verbally and non-verbally so that the student is sure you are with the student.Words such as ‘go on’, ‘uhn-ahn’, ‘hmm’, along with head nods indicate verbal attentiveness.  Verbal  attentiveness  puts  the  teacher  in  a  position  to  listen  carefully and also enhances the feeling of being understood.


Non-verbal attentiveness is communicated through facial expressions, hand gestures, body postures along with tone of voice. These are useful means of communicating any message.


Keeping Pace with the Student’s Mode of Experience

Another way of communicating empathy is to match or keep pace with the student’s  way  of  interpreting  or  expressing  an  experience.  Trying  to  keep  pace  with  the  student’s  experiences  through  their  words,  voice  tone,  eye  movements,  etc.  and  responding  in  the  same  vein  helps  to  communicate  empathy.


Paying  attention  to  the  language  and  type  of  words  frequently  used  by  a  student  can  be  helpful  in  understanding  what  sensory  modality  is  being  used. For example, if one is frequently using expressions such as ‘I see what you  mean’,  ‘it  shows’  or  ‘it  is  clearly  visible’,  it  indicates  that  the  person  is  using visual modality in the expressions.

Salt vs Rice


Very beautifully written, so had to share!


If you were to cook 3 cups of rice, would you add 3 cups of salt to it? Certainly not!


So, in every preparation of Rice, the grains of Rice always outnumber the Salt,

yet a little Salt makes a huge difference / impact in the overall outcome.


In the room in which you currently are, look up at the ceiling...

What is the size of the bulb compared to the size of the room? It is probably a ratio of 1:5000. Yet, darkness flees the entire space once the small bulb is flipped on.

If I am the Salt of the earth, and the light of the world, then "little me" have the ability to make big things happen..


Sometimes, because we feel outnumbered or overwhelmed at the sheer magnitude of evil or wrong-doers, we then choose powerlessness, and decide to go with the flow, not standing up for what we believe is right.


LITTLE doesn't mean insignificant.

You are significant. Your presence should make a BIG difference. Stop waiting to be on the side of the majority. They may be the majority, but they are the trivial majority, and you are the impactful minority.


They are the RICE of the world, and you are the SALT of the world..

They are the ROOM and you are the LIGHT.

Make your influence felt!



You are the world's seasoning, to make it beautiful...

So if we can just do the right seasoning to make even one life beautiful our life is worth living.

Onwards and Upwards! Be the SALT in someone's life today . . .

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I think teaching is the only job you have to work before you get to work, so you have to work to do at work. Then because I had no time at work to do work, I had to work after work to catch up on the work I didn’t do while at work.

Anyone making any decisions about schools should be required by law to work in a school for at least a week each year...

While being paid the same as an educator.


My Saturday was going pretty well until I realised it was Sunday.

10 Lessons I Want to Instill in My Kids...

  1. If you’re thankful, show it.

  2. If you love someone, tell them.

  3. If you’re wrong, fess up.

  4. If you’ve confused, ask questions.

  5. If you learn something, teach others.

  6. If you’re stuck, ask for help.

  7. If you make a mistake, apologize.

  8. If you trip, get back up.

  9. If someone needs help, help them.

  10. If you see wrong, take a stance.

How to write good.

  1. Avoid alliteration. Always.

  2. Prepositions are not words to end sentences with.

  3. Avoid cliches like the plague. They’re old hat.

  4. Comparisons are as bad as cliches.

  5. Be more or less specific.

  6. Writers should never generalize.

  7. Seven: Be consistent!

  8. Don’t be redundant; don’t use more words than necessary; it’s highly superfluous.

  9. Who needs rhetorical questions?

  10. Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement.


Help others even when you know they can’t help you back.


Due to increased brain activity, people with higher intelligence tend to have a harder time falling asleep at night.

My mind is like an internet browser – 14 Tabs open, 2 are Frozen and i have no idea where the music is coming from.

If ever a parent asks how they can help their child succeed in school, please start with the BASIC:

  1. Proper sleep

  2. Proper nutrition

  3. Challenge them

  4. Limit technology use

  5. Every child should read a minimum of 30 min/day

Things I’m super good at

  1. Forgetting someone’s name 10 seconds after they tell me.

  2. Buying produce...and throwing it away two weeks later.

  3. Digging through the trash for the food box I just tossed, because i already forgot the directions.

  4. Making plans. And then immediately regretting making plans.

  5. Leaving laundry in the dryer until wrinkles. Then turning on the dryer to dewrinkle. Then forgetting it again.

  6. Calculate how much sleep I’ll get if I can just “fall asleep right now.”

  7. If speaking kindly to plants help them GROW imagine what speaking kindly to HUMANS can do.

There are bus driver shortages.

There are support staff shortages.

There are teacher shortages.

Stop telling educators to just quit if they are stressed – They are quitting. Kids are being affected.

We need to support educators and not shame them.

10 ways to build relationships with kids.

  1. Talk to them about non-school-related subjects.

  2. Let them teach you about their interests.

  3. Remember things about their lives.

  4. Share about your own life.

  5. Engage in activities with them.

  6. Tell hilarious (and even embarrassing_ stories.

  7. Share inspirational stories from your life.

  8. Do crazy things.

  9. Use their interests in your lessons and activities.

  10. Apologize when you mess up.

Don’t ruin a good today by thinking about a bad yesterday. Let it go.

What gives people POWER

Money = 20 out of 100

Status = 30 out of 100

Mitochondria = 100 out of 100

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